Saturday, 29 April 2017

Dementia Awareness Level 2 Course

On Friday the 21st of April I went to Mayflower Court in Southampton to do my care home training in Dementia. The day lasted from 10-4:30pm and I thoroughly enjoyed it (I even sneaked a look at Southampton Uni afterwards). I was the only volunteer there, but was accompanied by other
Anchor carer employees. We learnt about the symptoms (memory, communication, recognition), different variations, as there are over 120 types of dementia (Alzheimer's, Vascular, Frontal temporal Lobe..etc), the causes of Dementia (e.g. strokes), the sections of the brain, the effects, and person centered care. A few of the facts I liked learning most were..

  • 10% of all diagnosed dementias are mixed.
  • A doctor cannot be certain of the diagnosis until post-mortem examination of the brain.
  • Writing is the hardest thing your brain ever learns to do.
  • The 3 impairments: Agnosia - Sensory information inability. Aphasia - Speech inability. Appraxia - Task Performance inability.

It made me realise that I knew residents with each impairment, and learnt how to be there for them in 'Person Centered Care' (under the Care Act 2014 Regulation 9) as well as gaining an insight into how it feels to suffer with dementia when we got to experience impairment glasses, arthritis gloves...etc in the practical session of the course.
The course was the perfect balance of having fun and being educated on a serious issue, over all I found it extremely interesting and will value and act on the new things I have learnt.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Care Home Sunny Day

Went back to the care home today after a while of being gone. I work in the Dementia sections, so the residents didn't remember me so I got that chance to introduce myself again and get to know them better. I spoke to Steven about traveling (we've both been to China. Spain and France), his two sons and their education, as well as Sherlock Holmes! I said hi to Aubrey and Iris, two lovely ladies, however they spoke very quietly that I couldn't carry the conversation for very long. This will be my goal for next time!

I then took Pamela and Iris to the balcony/mini garden as it was a very warm and sunny day. I made them tea and got them cold water and we spent over half an hour talking about their past jobs as typewriters and their children..etc. Iris, although quiet, is very sweet and eager to join in conversations which was nice. Pamela was very chatty and we got to know each other quite well and had lots to laugh about. When it got too hot and they wanted to go back to their rooms, I headed off and they were kind enough to walk me to the stair doors (I didn't want them to go downstairs as Pamela has a walking stick) to check I got home safe and t thank me for my company (which is soo sweet!)

I had a lovely time and hope to go back soon. It's great experience and just feels like making friends :)